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Unproven, there is no evidence to prove that the 2017 presidential elections was not “free, fair and transparent”.


The Political Leader of the All Liberian Party Benoni Urey claimed that the 2017 Presidential Elections were Rigged, the Results were Dictated and Manipulated.

Rating Justification

Local Voices Liberia IVerify team has fact checked this content and established that it is unproven.

To arrive to this conclusion, we reviewed reports by International Observer Missions assigned to Liberia in 2017 described the election as “peaceful, free, fair and transparent”.

A statement attributed to the UN Secretary General notes that “the conclusion of peaceful, transparent, free and fair elections confirms Liberia’s steady march towards lasting peace, stability and development”.

The African Union Election Observer Mission to Liberia in its final report also stated that it found that despite “some logistical, technical and legal challenges” faced by NEC, the elections were conducted in an orderly, transparent and credible manner, and in general accordance with Liberia’s national legal framework and international commitment for democratic elections.

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Evidence publicly available neither proves nor disproves the claim. More research is needed.


The statement contains correct data, but ignores very important elements or is mixed with incorrect data giving a different, inaccurate or false impression.


The claim is inaccurate according to the best evidence publicly available at this time.


Upon further investigation of the claim, a different conclusion was determined leading to the removal of the initial determination.


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