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Schools WASH Training Ends in Cape Mount County

Written By: Ibrahim M. Sesay, Grand Cape Mount County

Grand Cape Mount County – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) recently organized a one day public event to conclude the organization’s Software component of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), in twenty (20) schools in Grand Cape County.

Speaking during the program in Sinje, Garwula District, the Social Mobilization Assistant for IOM assigned in Grand Cape Mount County Kula Kiazolu Pusah explained that the purpose of the software intervention by IOM was to promote in schools several positive messages related to Water Sanitation and Hygiene in order to increase knowledge, raise awareness among teachers and students and activate a behavior change process that will have high impacts in reducing hygiene, water, and sanitation related diseases. She stressed that a low access to adequate water supply, sanitation and handwashing facilities, coupled with the lack of positive behaviors related to water treatment, toilet use and handwashing are key public health challenges especially among young children in schools.

She hopes that improvement in these areas will not only reduce the risk of EVD resurgence and cholera outbreak, but reduces several common illnesses that impede a child’s learning and ability to stay in school. Kula also mentioned that the information disseminated at the training will increase knowledge and will enhance behavior change among teachers, parents, and care givers. She further said that a total of 110 persons participated in the training and they were drawn from Garwula and Commonwealth Districts.

The public event according to the IOM staff aims to advocate the engagement of local institutions in WASH promotion in order to sustain issues related to WASH in the public and education institutions and contribute to creating a favorable environment at all levels.

The program was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, traditional and religious leaders, youth and women organizations among others.


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