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Radio Joy Africa Certificates the BBC

By: Ben B. Togbah Jr.

The British Broadcasting Cooperation was certificated on Sunday May 10, 2015 by Radio Joy Africa a Community based media outlet operating in over 8 counties of the 15 political sub division of Liberia, with its head quarter in Margibi County.

The certificate is in recognition of their tireless contribution in helping community radios broadcast facts about Ebola and its preventive measures.

The appreciations document was presented during a two days visit to media entities operating in Margibi County.

During the first day of their visit in Kakata, the B.B.C team which was headed by (……) appear live in studio to hear the feedback of citizens on the Kick Ebola out Liberia radio program.

However the feedback of Citizens was overwhelming as they called on a live radio talk show in the studio of Radio Joy Africa F.M 97.5 MHz “saying we want the B.B.C to continue the partnership with our local media outlets, in order to provide more awareness for other illness that may affected us, such as Typhoid, Malarial, Measles, Diarrhea and other human killer diseases”.

At the second and final day of the visit, over 50 community leaders and local Journalist converge at the Labest Gest House to give more feedback about the B.B.C media contribution in the fight against Ebola, which termed to be no exception from the radio talk show on the first day.


Radio Joy Africa Managing Director, Patrick C.M. Kollie (left) and B.B.C staff. (Right)


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