Written By: Henry B. Gboluma, Jr.
Kongba District-Gbarpolu County – The women of Kongba District in Gbarpolu County are calling on President Sirleaf for her immediate support. The lack of ambulance in the area is leaving many in difficult situations especially those in maternal condition – post or pre.
“Ellen is a woman so we want her to help us now with ambulance”, cries Famata Tamba, resident of Kungbor town. The women concern heightened following the worsening condition of Satta Larmen, who gave birth to a boy child under a critical condition.
Satta spent 2 days in labor pain at the clinic in the rural part of Gbarpolu at which time the clinic staff almost give up. They then told Satta parents to transfer her to the Liberian Government Hospital in Tubmanburg, Bomi County – miles away from Kungbor town. “There was only one car in the town. He told us that he was going to do his diamond work, but if we want him to carry the girl to Bomi, we should pay 25,000.00LD, ” explained several women marching from the Clinic where Satta had stayed for two days in pain.
According to the women’s chairlady, Jartu Zwannah also of Kungbor Town, women who are usually transferred from Kungbor health facility some time delivery under critical condition or died while being transfer to Bomi County.
She explained how grave is the situation adding that the situation is now out of their control as women of the district. “We can vote for them, they can say they will buy us ambulance as soon they win, and start enjoying they forget about us,” she blasted. “We are just living here by the grace of God, no cell phone network; the road is not good and only one clinic in this whole district.”
Ma Jartu also called on the County health team, local authorities and the president of Liberia to promptly address their concern by providing an ambulance to help eased the health situation and at the same time reduce maternal health challenges in the area. Meanwhile, Gbarpolu County Superintendent, Armah Sarnor has acknowledged the women’s concern adding that it is a major challenge in other parts of the county as well.
“It is not only Kongba alone; Belle is in need as well as Guo-Nwolalai district but Guo is land lack district. Their request was made in a realistic situation,” the County Superintendent said.
He continued: “The road from Gbarma to Kongba is a challenge…, the resources of the government is not that high that everybody expected it to be. Does the government have the resource to solve all the problems in the health sector?”
Hon. Sarnor said he will channel the women request through the County health team while he called on UNICEF and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as other development partners to immediately response to the concerns of the women of Kongba District.
Kongba District is one of the six administrative districts in Gbarpolu County that have only a health facility with a population of over 15,000 people. The lack of GSM/Cellular network is another challenge.
With very bad road condition, the district borders Sierra Leone. The major livelihood activities in Kongba District are Diamond Mining, hunting, farming and petty trading.
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