Youth Activist Martin K. N. Kollie claimed in a Facebook post that the 6 Political Parties that signed a resolution to support the CDC in the 2023 election got an aggregate of 1.8% of the total votes in the 2017 election
Rating Justification
Local Voices Liberia iVerify team has verified this content and established that it is False.
To arrive at this verdict, we carefully reviewed the 2017 elections’ data on the website of the National Elections Commission (NEC) and found out that two of the six political parties (People’s Liberation Party and Union of Liberian Democrats) did not participate in the election.
We also reviewed the final results on the NEC website and established that out of the total 1,641,922 votes cast in the election, the United People’s Party obtained 0.6%, Movement for Economic Empowerment – 0.8%, Redemption Democratic Congress – 0.3%, Change Democratic Action – 0.1% totaling 1.8% of the total votes.
We did not obtain any data or results for the other two parties on the NEC’s website for the 2017 elections. This is because the two parties did not participate.
The Union of Liberian Democrats fielded candidates only in the 2005 and 2011 elections and the People’s Liberation Party was certificated as a political party on December 21, 2020.
Base on the evidence reviewed, we conclude that this claim isn half true.