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Liberia’s Health Ministry Releases Disease Surveillance Report

Monrovia – The division of Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) at the Ministry of Health in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) has released the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Bulletin for Liberia.
The IDSR bulletin which covers the period between July 18 to the 24 2016 highlights public health events and cases of diseases from across Liberia.

This new report shows that fourteen neonatal death was reported from seven of Liberia’s fifteen counties while six maternal deaths was reported from six counties, two cases of Acute Flaccid paralysis (AFP) or poliomyelitis was reported from two counties.

Counties that reported AFP includes Nimba and Grand Kru Counties. The six maternal deaths were reported in Grand Cape mount, Lofa, Rivercess, Nimba, Montserrado, and Margibi counties.
Montserrado reported five neonatal deaths, River Gee three, Bong two, Nimba, Maryland, and Grand Gedeh Counties reported one each. According to the report the cause of deaths resulted from birth asphyxia and neonatal sepsis.

Birth asphyxia occurred when a child brain has experience oxygen deprivation, and neonatal sepsis is a blood condition that occurs in an infant younger than 90 days old.

The report revealed that eleven of the neonatal death occurred at the health facilities while three occurred in the community.
Other conditions reported by IDSR bulletin are human exposure to animal’s bite (Rabies) and Severe Acute Watery Diarrhea (Cholera). Montserrado and Nimba counties reported eleven cases of Rabies each and Grand Bassa two, Lofa county one, Bomi county two cases of Cholera.

The IDSR bulletin indicated that the public health measures taken by the Ministry of health was to treat all cases that occurred during the reporting period.

Report by: Ibrahim Sesay

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