
Liberia / Côte d’Ivoire: ICRC resumes cross-border family reunifications

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By: Liberin National Red Cross

Monrovia- As people globally celebrate World Water Day on March 22, the Liberian Red Cross has renewed commitment to focusing attention on the provision and sustainable management of freshwater resources.

The LNRCS Focus Point Ambullai Perry in a release noted that many people especially in rural and slam communities are drinking from creeks and wells located in swamps due to limited access to good drinking water facilities.

The Liberian Red Cross release quotes Mr. Perry that there are often outbreaks of diarrhea, cholera and malaria among community people, especially children due to poor hygiene and unsafe drinking water, a situation, he said is leading to the death of many children in the communities.

Mr. Perry maintained that the Red Cross is however unwaveringly determined to complement the effort of government in addressing the issue of water borne diseases by erecting sufficient water facilities and re-establishing water points that got disrupted during the Ebola outbreak.

Some communities including Dolo and Nyeamah towns were highly hit by the deadly Ebola virus, affecting many people and leaving the community vulnerable. While the residents are still nurturing their pains for losing families to the ruinous virus, poor hygiene, sanitation and lack of safe drinking water is another crisis worsening their living condition.

The Liberian Red Cross with support from its partners IFRC is targeting at least 60 communities for the provision of sustainable water facilities in Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, and Montserrado Counties as its transitions from Ebola emergency to recovery.

While the Danish Red Cross is already supporting the Liberian Red Cross in the provision of fresh water in 45 communities in Lofa, Bong and Nimba.

The Liberian Red Cross’ Community Environmental Health Project supported by the ICRC-Swedish Red Cross is also helping to improve access to fresh water in some communities in Grand Gedeh, Maryland and River Gee.

“We are thankful to our partners, who continue to support us in providing safe water to the community. This is enabling us to make the difference for the community members who have early suffered from water related issues. We are also encouraging the community to properly manage and sustain the facilities because water is life,” Mr. Perry pointed out in the release.

In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 22 as World Water Day. Since, the day is being celebrated each year worldwide to reflect the global population that are suffering from water related issues and create awareness on how people can manage water to keep their lives healthy.

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