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South East Liberian Businessman Bemoans Bad Road Condition


River Gee County – Liberians in the southeastern counties have again renewed calls for the government to improve the condition of roads in the region. The region comprises of Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, Maryland, Sinoe, and River Gee Counties.

One businessman, Alfred T. Wulu of River Gee County, who had struggled for days en route Fish Town, River Gee County said people of the region have been denied good roads for decades.

One businessman, Alfred T. Wulu of River Gee County, who had struggled for days en route Fish Town, River Gee County said people of the region have been denied good roads for decades.

“Today, you see how we are suffering to get our goods to our counties. The people just sitting in Monrovia alone and feel that everything is OK,” Wulu said, adding, “Bad road condition has the way to discourage citizens from taking part in elections.”

He claims that southeastern Liberia produces huge agriculture products for the country, but the road condition is a challenge for farmers to transport their produce.

“I’m really thinking if we are not part of Liberia; every year we the Southeasterners will complain about road, the people are all in Monrovia listening to the cries. We are the on radios and other means of information but they don’t care to meet our needs,” he said.

Many Liberians in counties affected by deplorable road conditions have included roads on a list of priorities they want the next government to prioritize. Some of them have also threatened to boycott the pending elections, while several aspirants have also found it challenging to canvass in rural communities.

And Wulu asserts that the situation is situation persists because the government is not interested in empowering its citizens in rural parts of the country.

“I have been traveling to other African countries to buy market, countries like Ivory Coast, Guinea, Togo. Those countries have at least good roads but for Liberia, lawmakers and other government officials, they do not put the people’s interest first. This is bad for this country,” Wulu said.

 At the same time, Mr. Wulu called on lawmakers of southeastern counties to initiate regional legislative projects that will empower citizens of the region to have access to free movement and good transportation system.      

Report by: Michael D.K Wroh 




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