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No Functional Ambulance at Gov’t Hospital in Buchanan

Buchanan – The Medical Director of the Liberian Government Hospital in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County says the only referral hospital is now without a functional ambulance.

Dr. Abraham Jawara told community radio stations in Buchanan that “the lives of patients who are in critical condition are at risk”, adding that the hospital also lack essential drugs.

He said the hospital’s two ambulances are have broken down including the only one that was servicing the hospital.

Dr. Jawara cautioned resident of the county and neighboring counties, who seek medical care, to be aware the current challenge confronted the hospital.

“I want to tell the people of Grand Bassa County and the world at large to know that the hospital is vulnerable, there are no drugs, no ambulance as well,” he said.

“Since 2019 /2020 Fiscal Budget year, the hospital has not received its two hundred thousand united states dollars (US$200,000) allotment”.

Mechanics working on the last functional ambulance after it broke down early this week in Buchanan | Photo By: Elton Wrionbee Tiah

Dr. Jawara is now seeking the intervention of humanitarians and other non-governmental organizations to intervene so that the hospital can be run efficiently.

“We are worried that patients under crucial conditions might find it very dangerous to get them over to Monrovia,” he said.

The Liberian Government Hospital in Buchanan is the main public referral hospital in the county.

Local Voices Liberia is a network of dedicated Liberian journalists based in the 15 counties working to lift the development concerns and progress of rural communities.



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