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Grand Bassa County Records First COVID-19 Case

Buchanan, Grand Bassa County – A 34 year old man, who is an employee of ArcelorMittal Liberia, has tested positive for coronavirus making it the first confirmed case in Grand Bassa County.

Anthony Tucker, the County Health Officer , confirmed to reporters on Thursday , May 14 that a staff of the steel company was tested positive.

He mentioned that the person was tested negative 14 days ago but was postive after the second test was conducted.

“The man was showing signs and symptoms of COVID 19 and so a first test was conducted on the 30th of April 2020 but he was later tested for the second time positive “.

Dr. Tucker (pictured) is the county health offcier for Grand Bassa County; he was speaking to the reporters following confirmation of the positive case in the county

Tucker furthered, “Even though the earlier test was negative but the AML employee and family were put in quarantie until the second result proved positive “.

He mentioned that the County health team has began contact tracing to establish those he came in contact with.

“We have started tracing people he came in contact [with] and so we currently have 10 persons under isolation but the investigation is still om going “.

Meanwhile , the management of ArcelorMittal Liberia, in a press statement, confirmed the situation, adding that the family of the 34 year old man is “feeling well and not showing any symptoms”.

The press release furthered, “Contact tracing was launched at the time to track those with whom the staff might have come in contact with, and a number of staff were placed in precautionary isolation. Their condition has been monitored by suitably qualified doctors, with none displaying symptoms of Covid19”.

AML Communication Department also stated that the company has setup regulations aimed at limiting the spread of the disease .

The regulations includes mandatory wearing of face mask, setup of handwashing facilities, enforcement of social distancing measures, Closure of businesses operating in the Concession at 3pm daily and Working from home (where possible) .

Local Voices Liberia is a network of dedicated Liberian journalists based in the 15 counties working to lift the development concerns and progress of rural communities.



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