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Gbarpolu County: Local Leader Urges Support for New Government

Bopolu – The Superintendent of Gbarpolu County, Armah M. Sarnor has called on people of the six administrative districts in the county to welcome and work with the incoming government even if he doesn’t retain his post.

“We still have a lot to do and we count on the citizens, whether I am in the office or the person that will come after me, we all have to rally around the person to move the county forward,” he said.

Sarnor, who succeeded Allen Gbowee as superintendent of Gbarpolu during the Ebola outbreak in 2015, inherited a divisive county legislative caucus and some abandoned projects.

However, his administration added some positive vibes to the caucus, which help build hope for the county’s development.

Eight projects were approved at the 4th development siting, some of which have been completed while others are under construction.

He is impressed about his contribution towards the development of the county under the Unity Party-led administration.

In his message to the county broadcast live on the community radio station, Sarnor said: “We are happy that we have reached this far and on Monday the new president, his Excellency George Manneh Weah will be inaugurated as president of the Republic of Liberia.”

He urged citizens to rally around the new government and move the county forward by impacting human resource, security, economic and livelihood development.

He commended the people of the county for being corporative by working with his administration, adding that more need to be done in the county.

“We still have a lot to do and we count on the citizens, whether I am in the office or the person that will come after me, we all have to rally around the person to move the county forward,” he said.

Responding to the message, people in the county hailed Sarnor and described him as “a man with integrity”.

“I listened to Hon. Sarnor, I trust and I think the new government will accommodate him,” said Stephen Kollie, a resident of Bopolu city.

Madam Bendu Jan, head of the rural women in the county, added, “It was during the administration of Superintendent Sarnor we the women have a modern women office.”

For Mama Korpo, the newly constructed disabled union office in Bopolu City under the County Social Development Fund is a legacy of Sarnor.

Though the Voice of Gbarpolu radio station is not yet functional, many people in the county also thanked the superintendent and lawmakers for paying keen interest to lifting the voices of local people in the county.

“Yes, under this leadership we saw real government projects like the radio station building. So, we hope that they or the new government will speed up works on that radio project to help the Voice of Kpo in spreading messages throughout the Gbarpolu,” said Anthony Morlu of Bondi Community.


Report: Henry Gboluma, Jr.





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